Photovoltaic plant
Solar power production
Concentrating Solar System
Solar heat production
Power supply
When renewable power is available, the electrolyzer is operated with steam generated from the heat storage system
Power grid
Green hydrogen is used for grid balancing
Thermal Energy Storage System
Solar heat storage and "on-demand" steam generation
Solid Oxide Electrolyser
Green hydrogen production from steam and (renewable) power
Gas grid
Green hydrogen is injected in the gas grid
Chemical industry
Green hydrogen is used as feedstock for ammonia production

Green Hydrogen
from Sunshine

Prometeo is a European Horizon 2020 project that aims to design, construct and test an innovative prototype to produce renewable hydrogen from solar power.

Hydrogen PROduction by MEans of solar heat and power in high TEmperature Solid Oxide Electrolysers

The Prometeo’s prototype will be based on high-temperature solid oxide electrolysis (SOE) coupled with an innovative thermal energy storage (TES).

TES will optimize the use of intermittent solar heat in hydrogen production, making sure the heat stays hot enough to drive the solid oxide electrolysis at low-cost and high efficiency. The Prometeo prototype will consider three industrial applications as end-users.

The Prometeo project brings together world-leading and highly experienced industrial and research partners from 4 European States: Italy, Spain, the Netherlands and Switzerland.

SME technology manufacturer

Company firm

Nextchem logo

Large companies in the energy and chemical sectors

Stamicarbon logo

leading academic/research organisations

FBK Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Alberto Giaconia | ENEA

dott. Alberto Giaconia | Project Coordinator

ENEA - Centro Ricerche Casaccia
Via Anguillarese, S.Maria di Galeria (Roma)